Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Paint Your Life

Living in  a large city urban environment surrounded by
constant noise, traffic and a plethora of social problems
becoming an ever increasing element of urban life one
needs to conscientiously think about their own choices
of cultural elements acceptable and strategic
to one's desired lifestyle. I personally know artists who have had the opportunity
to have art experiences abroad at locations such as
Florence Italy and Paris France. There experiences
were much enjoyed however from a time perspective
they were quite short lived.

One of America's best known realist artists of the 20th  
century was Andrew Wyeth.I believe Andrew Wyeth
demonstrated a valuable life lesson as well as the  
incredible body of artwork created.
He stated in one of his interviews that “ I paint my life”
His love and commitment to painting the landscapes,
objects and people around him has inspired me to do
and appreciate the same.

In the case of the artist and painter painting one's life can
be as literal and realistic as Andrew Wyeth's body of work
or it is my belief that painting one's life can be thought
of in a figurative sense.
As an artist and art instructor my overriding advice to any
and everyone is to do the same. To think of their lifestyle
and culture as a canvas that oneself has the right and
obligation to compose. Our lives are not a blank canvas
though are they? Thinking about one's life how do you
perceive yours? As a well organized composition structured
to your liking and well being? Or as a abstract and possibly
chaotic composition? Or something in between.

I like to think of one's life painting as a master work in
progress. Many works produced by the old masters when
forensically examined had sketches and under paintings
completely different than the visible finished painting.

I like to think of painting one's life as a visual gateway
to mindfulness thinking. While the non artist may not choose
to take up painting, keeping a sketchbook can be a great
tool to layout and incorporate thoughts and cultural choices.

For some a sketchbook may be used to capture and make
intricate sketches and notes of one's important thoughts and
observations  For others representations as simple as hieroglyphs
along with written notes are adequate to force one into mindful
thinking leading to one's best choices and outcomes.

Ultimately one can apply the thought of painting your life to
observing and deeply thinking about the things that matter most.
The elements that surround you, things good and not so
good in your current life,s painting. The things that are missing from
your desired composition the things that are not working so that
not so good things if possible can be removed and upgraded with
more satisfying elements.
One may travel abroad, observe and paint the geography the cultures
foreign to oneself but it would be a challenge to experience the diverse
geography within one hour of Salt Lake City Utah USA. I have had
many conversations with individuals who have traveled from all over
the globe to ski the greatest snow on earth. All of the individuals have
expressed how impressed they are with what is to be enjoyed in
Salt Lake city's own backyard.

Equally impressive is the fact that flying into Salt lake International
airport a setting a few miles east of the Great Salt lake  with
thousands of square miles of some of the most remote open wild
spaces left in the American west as well as the United states.
The great  expanse just a few miles to the west is contrasted by the
urban city culture of the heavily populated and
rapidly expanding Wasatch front cities.

What is also realized as an opportunity to travelers and taken for
granite by many locals is the accessibility to the ski resorts.
With the Trax train right at the air terminal passengers are able to
go from Plane to train to bus and arrive at the resorts and lodges
in both Big and Little Cottonwood canyons. Anyone desiring to add
the canyon culture elements to their life's painting  can do so
very affordably. The ski bus runs from the week after thanksgiving
to April.As a local resident I am able to easily and safely take the
ski bus to the resorts.

I previously mentioned artists friends who traveled abroad and
had good but short lived art experiences. While happiness can be
derived from a vacation from one's routine a greater overall feeling
\of wellness may be achieved from developing one's own rich
cultural in there own local geographical area.

As I spend days each week at Snowbird observing and painting
the subtle nuances of the Little Cottonwood canyon landscapes
from week to week, I can and do appreciate the concept o
“painting one's life”. It has become much more than I expected
As I work on my paintings each week in the Cliff Lodge
and enjoy a good soak in the spa hot tub and laps in the pool
both outdoors, all of the activities have become an important
element in my culture.

As most companies have a type of culture I have come to
appreciate and in a way feel as a part of the Snowbird culture.  
A culture serving very diverse needs and wants. A ski culture for
many a quiet peaceful environment for me to observe and do art
supported by friendly employees many of which I think
of as friends and as individuals who enjoy similar cultural

Enough for this post now to paint.

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