Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pursuit of Excellence

Being consumed with an art project that has taken my attention and energy much of the last few years I had to put most of my activities with Easel Brush and Bus blog on hold. I have now geared up for many new activities.
 In preparation for the new work and activities I will be presenting I have a new mind set I will share with you. I have been working on this new direction throughout the previous year.

Living in a large heavily populated metro area I think one can become overwhelmed with the “rat race pace” of a large city and the problems associated with such. Be it the social problems the environmental problems or even the snarled traffic and dangerous task of commuting through traffic it all can add to the challenge of enjoying daily life.

My thoughts and the focus of my work and activities is not on the negative aspects and conditions of where I live. Hopefully you can implement some of the ideas I will present in this blog through the mindset I am cultivating.

My mindset is this:
What are the best things where I live and how best can myself and my family enjoy and participate in the best things? What is excellent?

The first thought that may come to mind in creating your own best things list may be the thought of the financial costs to enjoy the best things. Certainly cost is a consideration however let me say that if anything, this blog is about identifying activities, places and things that any and all can enjoy with minimal or no costs.
  Fundamentally life enriching life activities is what It's all about. I will showcase on an ongoing basis places, things and establishments that I enjoy in my pursuit of excellence.

I am an artist and entrepreneur and since my blog theme is focused on the visual arts the focus of my activities will radiate outward from Salt Lake City to Brigham city on the north to South Utah county on the south and East to Park City and west to Tooele and west to Wendover Nevada.

I am always going to and trying out new locations and establishments. You can spend minimal amounts of money or as much as you desire in the pursuit of excellence.

Since This blog was created at a time when I could not safely drive my own automobile due to visual issues most if not all of the places and venues I go are easily accessible on the Utah Transit system. Spanning approximately 140 miles north to south affordable mobility is available to everyone.

Some of the locations I go to often and there are some establishments I make as my “hub” the points where I first stop, enjoy and depart from to pursue new venues of excellence.
For a growing list of new venues (the Excellence places and things) I visit, please visit the hub page and venues pages in identifying things and places to go and do . I have established some basic criteria and categories
.Developing categories are,
  1. What can be enjoyed daily within 1 hour or so
  2. What can be enjoyed within an 8 to 10 hour day (all within public transit mobility)
  3. What local organizations are supporting excellence for all demographics in art and entertainment
  4. What are the excellent business organizations that support the entrepreneur (believing that art and entrepreneurship are closely related.
So much for now, please follow future updates

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