My first trial excursion was with a specific goal, make it from Salt Lake to Brigham city approximately 70 miles to the North have lunch, scope out sketching and plein air painting possibilities by way of public transportation. Ok that’s not the entire story. After being cooped up for weeks recuperating from surgery for a detached retina and not being able to drive (see “How The Project Got is Start) I was going stir crazy and needed to get out of the house and was in desperate need for an attitude change that only an outing outdoors could provide.
The first and all subsequent excursions are and have been a learning experience. Using the public transportation system for getting to work and for city errands is one thing. Using the public transportation system for greater distance recreation is quite another. All good if you understand how the system works and do a little planning.
Since part of the focus of this blog and my other blog Wasatch art is to model super affordable alternatives for outdoor recreation, I will mention that the $5.00 day pass for the bus was a bargain compared to fuel cost for taking a car or truck the 140 mile round trip.
Being used to taking my car or truck has allowed me to pack up and take all but the kitchen sink. Although at times I might as well have included it also.
As I take trips on the bus, Trax train and the FrontRunner train ( http://www.rideuta.com/ )
I continually am perfecting the art of simplification. Everything I desire to take has to fit in my pack and slung over my back. Throughout the postings of my excursion experiences I will share with you the things I take and their purpose and benefit or lack thereof.
The 70 mile trip from Salt Lake to Brigham City offers about as much diversity as any artists interest could desire. From city scapes to semi rural farms and orchards one is not lacking at all in subject matter, only time to enjoy the variety of possibilities.
The stretch between Perry and Brigham City on Highway 89 has long been one of Utah’s superb agricultural regions. The miles of orchards and truck farms stand tribute to the quality of the fruits and vegetables produced for decades at the foothills of the mountains.. As urban sprawl expands outward from the city centers along the Wasatch front once rural areas are becoming more populated. It is a unique opportunity though to have access to these areas by public transportation.
Since I am fond of the drive to Brigham City I will be making several trips to enjoy plein air sketching and painting.
The photos shown below are from this first trial excursion.